Universal Service Fund Council

Under authority granted in Wis. Stats. §196.218(6), the Commission appoints a Universal Service Fund (USF) Council consisting of representatives of the telecommunications service providers and consumers in the state. The majority of the USF Council members represent telecommunications consumers. The USF Council advises the Commission concerning the administration of the USF and the content of rules promulgated under PSC 160 for that purpose.

Hill Farms Office BuildingThe date of the next meeting will be announced on this page. All Council meetings will be held virtually, and call-in information will be provided on the posted agenda.

Public agendas are available on the Commission’s Event Calendar page, on the date of the meeting.

Sign language interpreters will be available.

Note to the Public: Additional information on official Commission action addressing the USF Council can be found on the Commission's Electronic Records Filing (ERF) system under dockets 5-UF-20205-UF-2021, 5-UF-20225-UF-2023, and 5-UF-2024.

Bylaws of the USF Council: read bylaws

View the list of USF Council members

PSC Staff Contact

Alyssa Kenney
(608) 267-9138
e-mail: Alyssa.Kenney@wisconsin.gov