Mission & History

​​​Mission Statement

The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) ​ensures safe, reliable, affordable, and environmentally responsible utility services and equitable access to telecommunications and broadband services.​

​​To carry out our mission, the PSC:​

  • Values diversity in the work place, allowing employees to fully develop and contribute their individual skills in meeting the needs of our diverse customer base;

  • Ensures fair pricing for utility services to customers and to utility investors;

  • Sets quality standards for utility services and ensures that the standards are met or exceeded;

  • ​Ensures reliability so there will be sufficient resources, facilities and alternatives available to meet the needs of present and future utility customers at a reasonable price;

  • Ensures utility services are provided in an efficient and environmentally responsible manner;

  • Protects the interests of both investors and customers and ensures that securities issued by utilities meet the needs of utilities;

  • Provides fairness in transactions between utilities and their customers, other utilities, and other entities specifically provided protection by law;

  • Adjusts our oversight of utilities according to the level of competition in their markets and according to the degree of customer satisfaction with their services;

  • Educates Wisconsin citizens on utility issues and promotes their involvement in our decision-making process.

In all of the above, the PSC considers and balances diverse perspectives and endeavors to protect the environment, public interest, and public health and welfare. 

Our History

Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) regulatory authority was primarily established by the 1907 Public Utilities Law, making Wisconsin one
of the first states to regulate public utilities.​

Key components of the regulatory system developed by the 1907 Public Utilities Law included:

  1. ​​A​ broad definition of “public utility.”
  2. Centralized regulatory authority vested in the PSC.
  3. Monopoly status for public utilities.
  4. Minimum service standards.
  5. State regulation of rates and other charges.
  6. Public utility authority to take private property for facility construction, ​subject to state approval.
  7. Limitations on public utility ownership.
The PSC is currently responsible for regulating more than 1,100 Wisconsin public utilities, which provide electric, natural gas, combined water and sewer utilities and certain aspects of local telephone service to households and businesses throughout the state.

​Additional Information​​

For a more in depth history of the PSC, read the Wisconsin Legislative Council's Overview of Wisconsin's Public Utility Regulatory System.
View a detailed list of the historical PSC Commissioners.