Intervenor Compensation



The Intervenor Compensation (IC) program provides financial assistance to participants in Commission dockets for those, other than public utilities, who choose to formally participate. Intervenors can participate in a case by submitting evidence in the form of comments, testimony and exhibits, or testimony at hearings. This strengthens the record considered by the Commission when making decisions.

Wisconsin Stat. s. 196.31​ and ​Wisconsin Administrative Code​ sets the criteria used to evaluate applicants’ need for funding. ​​​

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How to Apply

Upload a completed application to the Electronic Records Filing System​.

 Application Form​

Public Participation

Learn more about opportunities​ for public participation in Commission proceedings, including becoming an intervenor.

Public Participation


Summary of Intervenor Compensation Awards
​IC Docket​
​Date A​warded
​​Re​lat​ed Docket
​RENEW Wisconsin, Inc.

Tarriff Revisions
City of Sturgeon Bay
​RENEW Wisconsin, Inc.
Authority to Adjust Rates
Wisconsin Power And Light Company
​RENEW Wisconsin, Inc.
9/11/2023​ ​3270-UR-125
​Authority to Adjust Rates​
Madison Gas and Electric Company
Walnut Way Conservation Corp.​$​36,750
9/15/2023​ ​5-UI-121​
​Inquiry / Investigation
Multiple Utilities: Wisconsin Electric Power Company; Wisconsin Gas LLC
Walnut Way Conservation Corp.$​15,750
Approval of Tariffs
Multiple Utilities: Wisconsin Electric Power Company; Wisconsin Gas LLC, Wisconsin Public Service Corporation
350 Wisconsin​$​18,248
8/30/2023​ ​6680-UR-124
Authority to Adjust Rates
Wisconsin Power And Light Company
​350 Wisconsin​
8/21/2023​ ​3270-UR-125
Authority to Adjust Rates
Madison Gas and Electric Company​

​Walnut Way Conserva​tion Corp.​
Authority to Adjust Rates
Multiple Utilities: Wisconsin Electric Power Company; Wisconsin Gas LLC

​Blacks for Political and Social Action of Dane County
Authority to Adjust Rates
Wisconsin Power And Light Company​

​Blacks for Political and Social Action of Dane County
Authority to Adjust Rates
Madison Gas and Electric Company
​Clean Wisconsin, Inc.

Authority to Adjust Rates
Madison Gas and Electric Company
​Clean Wisconsin, Inc.
Authority to Adjust Rates
Wisconsin Power And Light Company
​Clean Wisconsin, Inc.

​Northern States Power Company
​Clean Wisconsin, Inc.
Silver Maple Solar, LLC

2022 Awards
​IC Docket​
​Date Awarded
​Related Docket​​

​RENEW Wisconsin, Inc.
Authority to Adjust Rates
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation
​RENEW Wisconsin, Inc.
Authority to Adjust Rates
Multiple Utilities: Wisconsin Electric Power Company; Wisconsin Gas LLC
​Clean Wisconsin, Inc.
Authority to Adjust Rates
Multiple Utilities: Wisconsin Electric Power Company; Wisconsin Gas LLC
​​Walnut Way Conservation Corp.




Authority to Adjust Rates
Multiple Utilities: Wisconsin Electric Power Company; Wisconsin Gas LLC

​RENEW Wisconsin, Inc.
Authority to Adjust Rates
Madison Gas and Electric Company

​RENEW Wisconsin, Inc.​
Authority to Adjust Rates
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation
​RENEW Wisconsin, Inc.
Authority to Adjust Rates
Wisconsin Electric Power Company
​RENEW Wisconsin, Inc.
Authority to Adjust Rates
Wisconsin Electric Power Company​
​RENEW Wisconsin, Inc.
Authority to Adjust Rates
Northern States Power Co.
​Clean Wisconsin, Inc.
Focus on Energy​
Quadrennial Planning Process IV​
​ ​
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For More Information

Contact PSC's Financial Manager Jenna Schmidt.​