Grants System

​​​​​​​​​The Public Service Commission (PSC) G​rants System streamlines the application process for grant opportunities offered by the PSC. It is linked to the PSC’s Electronic Records Filing (ERF) System. When grant applicants and recipients submit an application via the PSC Grants System it is also available in ERF. Once a grant is awarded, the PSC Grants System will be used to for reporting and reimbursement process.

Getting Started

Prior to creating a user account for the PSC Gran​ts System​ you will need an account for the PSC Electronic Records Filing (ERF) System.

  1. If you do not already have an ERF Login and password you will need to create an ERF account.
  2. Enter your ERF account details into the Grants System user validation.
  3. Once you have completed the validation step you will be prompted to create your Grants System account.​​​ 

How to Use the Grants System

Grants System User Guide
For grant specific questions, refer to the grant instructions provided on the grant program webpage.


PSC hosted a webinar on January 12, 2023 that provided an overview of using the PSC Grants System for grant applications.​