Energy Innovation Grant Program

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The Energy Innovation Grant Program (EIGP) supports a wide variety of energy projects related to energy efficiency, renewable energy, energy storage, energy planning, and more.

​Each year, the Commission chooses eligible activities based on its energy priorities, emerging trends, and public input. To be informed of program developments and opportunities to participate, subscribe to docket 9709-FG-2023​ using EZ e-​Su​bscribe. ​​​

​Who is eligible to apply 

  • ​​​Municipalities, Universities, Schools, Hospitals, and Like Entities (MUSH Market): cities, villages, towns, counties, K-12 school districts, tribes, municipal water and wastewater utilities, municipal electric utilities, municipal natural gas utilities, electric cooperatives as defined by Wis. Stat. § 185.995(a), University of Wisconsin System campuses and facilities, Wisconsin Technical College System, public or nonprofit hospitals, and 501(c)(3) nonprofits.

  • Manufacturers as defined by Wis. Stat. § 77.51(7h)​

​​Additional Grant Details
Currently accepting​​ applications

OEI opened the 5th round of this program on November 30, 2023.

The application period is closed as of ​​1:30 PM CT on March 1, 2024.

​Matching funds required

Match is not required, however for implementation projects under Activity 1 and Activity 2 (non-planning projects), match will be considered during evaluation. 

Docket Number
EZ e-Subscribe​​​

​​Contact information​​​

PSC Grants System

To apply for a PSC administered grant, applicants must submit an application using the PSC Grants System. Use the application material below for details on grant eligibility, instructions on application responses, and required documentation when submitting an application in the PSC Grants System.

Resources for EIGP Grant Award Recipient​s

Onboarding Materials for Grant​ Awardees 

EIGP Grant Recipients – All reports are to be filed through Grants Management System

​(prior grant round recipients should work with their Grant Coordinator)​

Past Application ​Materials​​

The following are the materials required to apply for the Energy Innovation Grant Program (EIGP):

Application Webi​nars

  • EIGP Program Application Instructions Webinar Slides
    Wednesday, December 20, 2023 from 1:00 - 2:30 PM
  • Energy Funding for Wisconsin Rural Communities: Choosing the Right OEI Grant Program
    Tuesday, January 9, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Frequently Asked Questions

EIGP 2023 Frequently Ask​ed Questions​.​​

Resources for EIGP Grant Applicant​s

​O​EI Map​

​The OEI Map provides applicants with relevant information as they prepare OEI Grant Applications. The m​ap layers include: ​

EIGP Specific Layers:

  • Disadvantaged and Tribal Communities​
  • W​isconsin Rural Counties and Zip Codes​​
Additional Available Layers: 
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Risk Index
  • Electric Utility Service Territories
  • Municipal and County ​Boundaries​
OEI M​ap   Navigat​e the OEI Map: PDF Handout

​​​Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool

The Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) Map can be used to provide applicants a visual, mapped representation of the project location highlighting the areas that will benefit from the proposed pr​oject.​ Applicants ​may also use the CEJST map as a resource for identifying census tracts benefitting from project implementation.​

​EIGP Grant Awards 

Link to 2020 EIGP Interactive Story Map​

Fiscal Year
​Number of
Docket​ ​Grant Summary ​
$ 7.88 Million
2023 Grant Awards
​$ 10 Million 9709-FG-2022 2022 Grant Awards​​
​$ 10 Million
202​1 Grant Awards​​
$ 7 Million​ 9709-FG​-2020​​​​​
​2020 Grant Awards
$ ​5 Million
9709-F​​​​G-2018​​ 2018 Grant Awards​​

Questions about Current Grants or Additional Resources

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