Universal Service Fund Report
The Commission is required by Wis. Stat. § 196.218 (5r) to submit a biennial report on the Universal Service Fund (USF) to the legislature. This report provides an overview of the USF program including a discussion of the rules, programs, expenses, and regulatory policies that impact universal service and access to essential telecommunications on the state and federal levels. Questions about the report can be emailed to
Strategic Energy Assessment
The Commission shall prepare a biennial strategic energy assessment that evaluates the adequacy and reliability of the state's current and future electrical supply. (Wis. Stat. §
196.491(2)(a)). For questions about the report please contact
PSC Rules Report Pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 227.29
Pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 227.29, each agency with any rules published in the code shall submit a report to the joint committee for review of administrative rules listing all of the rules promulgated or otherwise administered by that agency.
Holding Company Audits
State law
Wis. Stats. §196.795(7)(ar) ,
196.795(8) requires the PSC to audit public utility holding companies periodically and report the findings of the audit to the Legislature. The reports describe the holding company system and its impacts on the utilities it holds, on ratepayers and on investors.
2023 Wisconsin Holding Company-Report to Legislature
2021 Wisconsin Holding Company-Report to Legislature
2019 Wisconsin Holding Company-Report to Legislature
2017 Wisconsin Holding Company-Report to Legislature
Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)
The Commission is required to biennially evaluate the impact of the RPS on the rates and revenue requirements of electric providers, and compare that impact with the impact that would have occurred if renewable energy practices of electric providers were subject to market forces in the absence of the requirements of the RPS. See the
RPS Compliance page for a list of the RPS reports, including biennial reports.