Lead Service Line (LSL) Replacement Line


The Commission supports collaborative efforts between utilities, municipalities, local health departments, and customers to replace lead service lines (LSLs). Annual Report data submitted to the PSC includes information about service line material type for Wisconsin Water Utilities. 

2023 Number of Service Lines by Material Type for Wisconsin Water Utilities 

Commission Approval for Customer-Side LSL Replacement Financial Assistance Programs

While replacement of most utility-owned infrastructure containing lead, including mains, goosenecks, and service lines, generally does not require approval from the Commission, the provision of financial assistance to help customers replace customer-side LSLs does require Commission approval.  See Wis. Stats. §§ 196.37, 196.372, and 196.20 (8).

Filing Requirements

Utilities interested in providing financial assistance to customers who replace customer-side LSLs must:

  1. Provide the information described in the LSL Application Filing Requirements. The document includes sample tariffs.
  2. Upload the completed application and related documents (PDF format) to the PSC Electronic Records Filing (ERF) System using the utility's PSC identification number
Please contact Tony Knipfer at Tony.Knipfer@wisconsin.gov with questions. 

Resources for LSL Replacement

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has financial resources available for both utility-side and customer-side LSL replacement.

Technical resources designed to help utilities develop effective LSL replacement programs: