RPS Renewable Facility Certification

The Wisconsin Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), Wisconsin Statute § 196.378, gives Wisconsin electric providers the option of using Renewable Resource Credits (RRCs) to satisfy their RPS requirements. Rules governing the creation and use of RRCs were promulgated by the PSC and are available in Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter PSC 118.

RRCs for Renewable Electricity Owned by or
Sold to an Electric Provider

For traditional electric generating facilities using renewable resources, only a Wisconsin electric provider may create an RRC. A Wisconsin electric provider may create an RRC from renewable electricity in excess of the electric provider’s RPS requirement in a given year, from a facility that is eligible for the RPS (see RPS Eligible Technologies). RRCs may be banked to be used to satisfy RPS obligations in future years, or sold to another Wisconsin electric provider. 

Wisconsin electric providers must obtain renewable certification of any facility which it plans to use to satisfy the Renewable Portfolio Standard or create RRCs. The facility may be owned and operated by the electric provider or an independent power producer, and must meet the eligibility requirements in the RPS statute. 
A certification request must be completed by a Wisconsin electric provider. A renewable certification request filed by an independent power producer will not receive PSC certification.

The first step in obtaining certification for a renewable facility is for the electric provider (investor-owned utility, municipal utility, or rural electric cooperative) to complete the Renewable Facility Registration Report. To file the report electronically, enter information required in each field, follow the step-by-step instructions given and click on "Create Renewable Facility Registration Report" at the bottom of the page. 

The completed Renewable Facility Registration Report must be filed using the PSC Electronic Records Filing (ERF) System. Once the Commission has determined whether or not the facility meets the established criteria for certification the electric provider will be notified.

RRCs for Displacement of Electricity from
Conventional Resources

A Wisconsin electric provider, customer or member of a Wisconsin electric provider may create an RRC (see RPS Eligible Technologies) for use of eligible renewable resources that displaces the electric provider’s, customer’s or member’s use of electricity derived from conventional resources.

In order for a Wisconsin electric provider to use RRCs for displacement of electricity from conventional resources to satisfy the RPS, the facility being used must obtain certification from the PSC. To obtain certification for a facility displacing electricity derived from conventional resources, compile the information specified in Wis. Admin. Code chapter PSC 118. The completed information must be filed using the Renewable Facility Registration Report, and the PSC Electronic Records Filing (ERF) System. Once the Commission has determined whether or not the facility meets the established criteria for certification the applicant will be notified.

Contact PSC Staff

Division of Energy Regulation and Analysis


(608) 266-5481