BEAD Process

​Broadband Equity, Access & Deployment (BEAD) Program​​

​​The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program was created under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) to provide access to reliable and affordable high-speed internet for everyone. The National Telecommunications and Information Association (​NTIA) oversees the BEAD program and has delegated primary administration to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin.  

The BEAD program allocates $1,055,823,573.51 to Wisconsin to ensure all locations in Wisconsin have access to 100 megabits per second download and 20 megabits per second upload or faster internet. Entities eligible to apply for BEAD funding are those that will own and operate the deployed broadband infrastructure, and include but are not limited to internet service providers, telephone and electric cooperatives, and certain local governments.

​Total Wisconsin BEAD Funding
​Eligible BEAD Funded Locations
​Every Wisconsinite has access to reliable, affordable, high-speed internet
  • ​Unserved households and businesses lacking 25/3 Mbps.
  • Underserved households and business lacking 100/20 Mbps. ​

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Estimated ​Timeline
BEAD Volume 1: Challenge Process
BEAD Volume 2: Subgranting Process

Estimated Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program Timeline​ 

BEAD is being implemented in several phases. During 2023, the Commission engaged in robust outreach and planning efforts to develop the BEAD Five Year Action​ (see the Planning Activities page for more information). After completing planning, the Wisconsin Broadband Office developed the BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 1 and Initial Proposal Volume 2​, which outlines the process it will follow to achieve universal service for all broadband serviceable locations in Wisconsin. 

The timeline below shows the implementation of the BEAD Program. Dates are approximate and subject to revision as needed to meet federal requirements. 

  • ​​​On May 17, 2022, Governor Evers submitted a letter of intent to participate in the BEAD Program. 
  • From June 2022 through December 2023, the Commission conducted its initial planning efforts, including outreach and creating the BEAD Five Year Action Plan using $5 million in initial planning funds.
  • The Initial Proposal was submitted to NTIA for approval on December 20, 2023.
  • WBO conducted its Challenge Process to determine locations eligible for funding from April through August 2024.
  • The Initial Proposal was approved on July 29, 2024, which begins the 365-day competitive subgranting process. The process will run from August 2024 to July 2025, ending in submission of the Final Proposal to NTIA.
  • Upon approval of the Final Proposal by NTIA, environmental reviews and final engineering of projects will begin.
  • Construction is generally anticipated to begin in 2026.
  • Projects are expected to be completed within four years of award, with all projects completed and locations connected to improve service by 2030.​​

​​Flowchart of BEAD Timeline Fully Described in Image Caption

*These are estimates and actual dates are contingent upon NTIA actions. 2022: May 17. Governor Evers submits letter of intent. June - Dec. Initial planning fund application submitted. $5 million in planning funds will be allocated to WBO starting December 1. 2023: Jan. - Aug. WBO BEAD Planning: Workforce and Local Planning Grant programs, Listening Tour, and surveys. Allocation June 26. Aug 28. 5-year state action plan due. Dec. 27. Initial Proposal due. 2024: Jan - Dec. State Challenge Process. BEAD competitive subgrant rounds begin after approval of Initial Proposal. 2025: Jan. - Dec. BEAD competitive subgrants awarded to successful applicants. Final proposal due 365 days after initial proposal approval. 2026+: Ongoing implementation. Subgrantees complete projects within four years of subaward receipt.

BEAD Volum​​e 1​​: Challenge Process 

Implementation of BEAD takes place in two phases. The first is the BEAD Challenge Process outlined in its approved BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 1​​ which was used to establish the final list of broadband serviceable locations (BSLs) eligible for BEAD funding. Participants were given the opportunity to contest a particular BSL’s status as unserved (lacking 25/3 Mbps) or underserved (lacking 100/20 Mbps) and thus eligible for funding. Changing a location’s status to unserved or underserved would make it eligible for BEAD funding. Participants could also challenge the status of a location as a community anchor institution.  

The BEAD Challenge Process was operated in three phases. The Challenge Submission Window was open from April 29 to May 29, the Rebuttal Submission Window was open from June 20 to July 20, and the final determination by the Commission was made on August 20. The Commission submitted the results of the challenge process, and the preliminary list of locations eligible for BEAD, to NTIA on August 27, 2024. The BEAD Challenge Process results were approved by NTIA on November 19, 2024. 

The BEAD Challenge Process was implemented under the docket 5-BCH-2024​, which contains all challenges received, instructional documents, and the results of the challenge process. The following documents outline the results of the challenge process: 

BEAD Volume 2: Sub​​granting Process 

The second phase of implementation is the BEAD subgranting process. The State of Wisconsin’s BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 2​ was approved by NTIA on July 29, 2024. Approval of Volume 2 begins a 365 day timeline to conduct a grant process and identify an awardee and technology to be deployed to all eligible locations.

The subgranting process began with the Letter of Intent (LOI) Phase, which determines entities qualified to compete for BEAD funding. The deadline to submit an LOI was October 1, 2024, 1:30 PM CST. The Commission received 35 LOIs from potential BEAD applicants. The LOI Phase concluded on January 2, 2025, with 30 LOIs being approved. For a list of the approved LOIs, see BEAD Round One Sub-Granting Selection Process to Begin​.  

The application phase began on January 13, 2025. Entities with approved LOIs are eligible to compete for BEAD fundng for specific eligible locations in Wisconsin. The Commission anticipates to conclude the application phase by this summer. For up to date information on the application phase see the BEAD Grant Webpage​ and docket 5-BD-2025​​.  

For questions related to BEAD, contact​
