Documents listed below are a compilation of papers and other documents that relate to the topic of stray voltage in Wisconsin. They contain a mixture of information, data, charts and graphs that are both historic and current.
Also included is the order in docket 5-EI-115 which evaluates the results of stray voltage research since the 1989 order in docket 05-EI-106. This order updates policies and procedures concerning stray voltage for electric distribution utilities in Wisconsin as well as addresses the appropriate level of concern, and mitigation factors.
To access docket 5-EI-106 or docket 5-EI-115, use our
Electronic Records Filing (ERF) system and search using the docket number.
Stray Voltage Documents:
Order in docket 5-EI-106 (August 10, 1989). This is an order regarding the investigation on the Commission's own motion into the practices, policies, and procedures concerning stray voltage for electric distribution utilities in Wisconsin.
Order in docket 5-EI-115 (July 1996). This order updates policies and procedures concerning stray voltage for electric distribution utilities in Wisconsin . It also addresses the appropriate level of concern, and mitigation factors.
PSC Staff Report: The Phase II Stray Voltage Testing Protocol (February 1999). This is a stray voltage testing protocol that has been tried and proven for the documentation of comprehensive, multi-source stray voltage testing. There are suggested forms for data acquisition as well as a discussion of the methodology of data collection and interpretation. The Phase II protocol should be considered a minimum test protocol for a follow-up stray voltage investigation where the amount and all sources of stray voltage are to be determined.
Phase II Update (May 2005). This is an update of forms to the February 1999 PSC Staff Report: Phase II Stray Voltage Testing Protocol.
PSC Stray Voltage Data Update: Phase I and Phase II Combined Database Summary (January 26, 2006). This document presents a synopsis of the data from the PSC utility stray voltage database that is up-to-date. There are graphs presenting the distributions of various parameters, the trends over time of various parameters and the correlations between some of the parameters.