Energy Filing Requirements

Electric and Natural ​Gas Filing Requirements and Related Environmental Topics

Initial questions about the C​ertificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) ​and Certificate of Authority (CA) processes can be referred to the following Commission staff:

Adam Ingwell, Environmental Review Coordinator
Phone: (608)267-9197

Additional state and federal permits may be required, prior to the start construction. See ​ Construction/Environmental R​​elated Resources.​

Transmission Constructio​n Projects

The t​ransmission line Application Filing Requirements (AFR) provided below applies to all electric transmission projects that require either a CA under Wis. Stat. § 196.49 or a CPCN under Wis. Stat. § 196.491 from the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC). This document also addresses information requirements for permits from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) under Wis. Stat. § 30.025.

Transmission AFR document (.pdf) and associated Microsoft Excel tables (.zip):

Electric Power Plant Construction Projects

A power plant with a rated capacity of 100 megawatts (MW) or more must have a CPCN from the Commission before plant-related construction may begin. Power plant projects rated less than 100 ​MW may require a CA from the Commission prior to construction. Follow the link below to obtain a copy of the most recent version of the power p​lant Application Filing Requirements (AFR). Power plant projects will also require a study of the potential noise impact from the project. A link to the Commission’s Noise Measurement Protocol may also be found below. Applications for electric generation construction projects may require the completion of two Department of Natural Resources (DNR)​ tables. These can be found below as well.

Electric transmission lines, substations, and natural gas or water pipelines may also be needed for new power plants. Follow the links below to additional PSC AFR.

Power Plant AFR document (.pdf) and associated Microsoft​ Excel tables (.zip):

Fossil Fuel or Biomass Plants

Wind Powered Electric Generation

NOTE: Wisconsin Administrative Code § PSC 128.50(1) requires the Commission to establish detailed application filing requirements for wind energy system applications filed for political subdivision review. These local wind filing requirements contain a detailed description of the information required to satisfy the filing requirements for applications under Wis. Administrative. Code § PSC 128.30(2). More information about these smaller projects and the Local Wind Application Filing Requirements can be reviewed on the Wind Siting Rules page​ of the Commission website.

Solar Powered Electric Generation

Municipal Construction Projects

Municipal electric utilities must file for construction authority if construction projects exceed a certain cost threshold. These filing requirements cover the generally small construction projects normally proposed by municipal electric utilities. These projects are most always classified as Type III (or less commonly as Type II) projects under Wis. Admin. Code ch. PSC 4. Projects can include new or expanded buildings, new or expanded substations, certain transmission and/or distribution construction or upgrade projects, and small generation projects. In order to obtain construction authority, an application must be filed with the Commission by following the filing requirements set out in the link below. Visit the Water Construction Authorization Process page for​ information related to municipal water utility construction.

Natural Gas Pipeline Construction Projects​

Any utility proposing to construct a natural gas pipeline requiring a CA under Wis. Stat. §196.49 must prepare an application for Commission review. Wis. Adm. Code PSC §133.04, lists the information needed for all CA applications. More extensive construction projects may require additional information contained in the application filing requirements (AFR) for pipeline projects. The AFR also includes information requirements for obtaining wetland or waterway crossing permits from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) when coordinated reviews are required under Wis. Stat. §30.025.

Natural Gas Pipeline AFR document (.pdf) and associated Mircosoft​ Excel tables (.zip):

Substation Construction Projects

The substation Application Filing Requirements (AFR)​ provided below applies to all electric substation projects that require Public Service Commission of Wisconsin​ approval. This document also addresses information requirements for permits from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) under Wis. Stat. § 30.025.

Substation AFR​ document (.pdf):