Koshkonong Solar Energy Center

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Final Decision Issued

On May 5, 2022 the Commission issued a final decision for this project. At the time of final decision the anticipated start date of construction was February 2022 with completion by July 2024.

Quarterly construction updates and post decision correspondence between the Commission and the Applicant can be found in the corresponding docket reports.

Docket Reports: 9811-CE-100

Towns of Christiana and Deerfield, in Dane County

Docket ID: 9811-CE-100

Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity of Koshkonong Solar Energy Center LLC to Construct a Solar Electric Generation Facility in the Towns of Christiana and Deerfield, Dane County, Wisconsin.

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Application Summary


Koshkonong Solar Energy Center is proposing a 300 megawatt (MW) photovoltaic (PV) solar electric generation facility and 165 MW Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in the Towns of Christiana and Deerfield, Dane County, Wisconsin. The proposed project study area covers approximately 6,384 acres (9.98 square miles) of primarily agricultural land and some grasslands and upland forest, of which approximately 2,400 acres (3.75 square miles) would be disturbed to host the proposed solar facilities. The major components of the project would include PV panels, power conversion units (which include an inverter and transformer), approximately 75 miles of 34.5 kilovolt (kV) underground collector circuits, a collector substation, a new approximately 0.84-mile 345 kV generator tie line, and a 165 MW BESS that would potentially sit on 15 acres of land. The solar arrays, substation, and BESS would be fenced, and the applicant has provided 2,200 acres (3.45 square miles) of alternative solar array sites for evaluation and use if needed.

Applicant stated need

This project is proposed by an independent power producer, Koshkonong Solar Energy Center, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Invenergy. As such, the need for the project is not reviewed by the Commission. Koshkonong Solar Energy Center has stated that they intend to either; own and operate the project or develop and sell the project to a utility or independent power producer. Subsequently, an application was jointly filed by Wisconsin Electric Power Company (WEPCO), Wisconsin Public Service Corporation (WPSC), and Madison Gas and Electric Company (MGE) to acquire the Koshkonong Solar Energy Center under docket 5-BS-258.

Estimated cost

This project is proposed by an independent power producer, and the Commission does not review the project cost or need. The cost to Wisconsin Utilities, and ratepayers, would be reviewed when the proposed facility is proposed to be purchased by a Wisconsin Utility, or Utilities. This information will be reviewed in Docket 5-BS-258, as mentioned above.

Project location

The project would be located immediately west of the Village of Cambridge, approximately six miles northeast of the City of Stoughton, two miles south of the Village of Deerfield, seven miles north of the City of Edgerton, and ten miles west of the Cities of Jefferson and Fort Atkinson.

Proposed schedule

  • The application was submitted to the Commission on April 15, 2021.
  • If approved, the proposed construction schedule for this project is to begin in Spring of 2022. The project is proposed to be completed and in service by December of 2024.

Key Application Documents

Case Contacts and Additional Information

Access Docket 9811-CE-100 in the PSC Case Management System to view additional information.

Utilize the Staff Involved tab for contact details for PSC staff assigned to the docket, including the case coordinator and the environmental review coordinator.

Click the Documents tab for a complete list of docket documents categorized by document type.

Access Docket 9811-CE-100

Additional Resources

Town of Deerfield Announcement

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