Dodge County Distribution Interconnection Project

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Counties of Columbia and Dodge​, Wisconsin​

Docket ID: 137-CE-210

Application of American Transmission Company LLC, as an Electric Public Utility, for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Construct an Approximately 15-Mile Long New Double-Circuit 138 kV Transmission Line and Rebuild Approximately 15 miles of an Existing 138 kV Transmission line (X-47) from an expanded North Randolph Substation in the Town of Randolph in Columbia County, to a New Substation in the Town of Trenton in Dodge County, Wisconsin, to be called the Manhattan Substation (collectively known as the Dodge County Distribution Interconnection Project).

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Application Summary


American Transmission Company (ATC or applicant) is seeking approval to expand the existing 138 Kilovolt (kV) North Randolph Substation in the Town of Randolph and to construct a new 138 kV substation near the City of Beaver Dam (Manhattan Substation). The ATC Project includes a new double-circuit 138 kV line to be constructed from the North Randolph Substation to the Manhattan Substation. Additionally, the existing single-circuit 138 kV line (X-47) would be rebuilt from the North Randolph Substation to the new Manhattan Substation, where X-47 would be segmented to the North Beaver Dam Substation. The ATC project would include the rerouting of the existing transmission lines around the North Randolph Substation and minor modifications at the substation remote ends (substations include North Beaver Dam, Green Lake, Staff, and Academy). The Proposed Route would be approximately 18.7 miles in total length (including relocating existing lines and tie lines), including a total of 307.1 acres of Right-of-Way (ROW). 

The Proposed Route would be built on both new and existing ROW. The single-circuit rebuild (X-47) would predominately run along the existing ROW, with the double-circuit requiring new ROW, overlapping slightly with the existing ROW. The Proposed Route was designed to follow existing utility easements and transportation corridors as practicable, and approximately 32.7 percent of the ROW is shared.

The Alternative Route would split the X-47 rebuild from the new double-circuit 138 kV line in several locations. The Alternative Route would be approximately 29.6 miles in total length (including relocating existing lines and tie lines), including a total of 314.1 acres of ROW. The Alternative rebuild Route would rebuild X-47 generally along its existing ROW, and the proposed double-circuit line would also follow existing utility easements and transportation corridors, resulting in approximately 38.6 percent of shared ROW.

Applicant stated need

The project is needed to reliably serve a load interconnection request by Wisconsin Power and Light Co (WPL) to serve a new large load addition in the Beaver Dam area​.​

Estimated cost

The applicant stated that the estimated project cost would be approximately $109.1 million if the proposed route is selected and approximately $198.6 million if the alternative route is selected.

Project location

The project would be located in Dodge and Columbia Counties, Wisconsin.

Proposed schedule

  • The applicant submitted the application to the Commission in November 2024.
  • ​If approved, the applicant anticipates construction for this project to begin in January 2026 with an estimated completion date of July 2027.
Statutory Review​​​

This electric transmission project​ is categorized as a Type II action under Wis. Admin. Code § PSC 4.10(2). The Commission will prepare an EA for this project that will evaluate the location of the project and its potential environmental, community, and private property impacts. There will be a preliminary determination when the Environmental Assessment (EA) is complete that will determine whether the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is necessary.

Key Application Documents

Case Contacts and Additional Information

Access Docket 137-CE-210​ in the PSC Case Management System to view​ additional information.

Utilize the Staff Involved tab for contact details for PSC staff assigned to the docket, including the case coordinator and the environmental review coordinator.

Click the Documents tab for a complete list of docket documents categorized by document type.​

Access Doc​​ket 137-CE-210​​​​​​​​

Opportunities for Public Participation

The Commission offers several opportunities for public participation in its proceedings. Click the links below to stay updated on these opportunities, which may include providing input regarding the scope of environmental impact documents, attending public hearings, offering comments, or signing up for email notifications related to a particular case.​

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