Wisconsin electric providers use the Midwest Renewable Energy Tracking System (M-RETS) to track renewable energy generation and demonstrate compliance with the Wisconsin Renewable Portfolio Standard. M-RETS validates renewable energy generation and assists participants in verifying compliance with their individual renewable energy portfolio goals and requirements. M-RETS also facilitates trading of renewable energy credits throughout its Renewable Energy Certificate Tracking footprint to help in meeting policy requirements and goals.
History of M-RETS
In April 2007, Governor Jim Doyle and the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) announced that Wisconsin would take the a lead role in implementing a regional renewable energy tracking system. Wisconsin joined the states of Minnesota, Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota and the province of Manitoba in implementing this system. The agreement marked a milestone in meeting the region's renewable energy goals, helping the various jurisdictions to collect data on renewable energy production and providing a mechanism for monitoring their respective goals. In July 2007, the PSC launched the system, designed to keep the costs of renewable energy down and encourage additional renewable energy development in the public interest.
Presently, the PSC works with the regional nonprofit, M-RETS, Inc., to oversee administration of the tracking system and development and execution of its policies and procedures.
Wisconsin Launches Renewable Energy Tracking System
Midwest Region Works Together to Meet Renewable Energy Goals
M-RETS Website
For more information about Wisconsin's commitment to tracking renewable energy generation contact: