Reduce Energy Consumption
Focus on Energy, the state’s energy efficiency and renewables program, is available to help customers make simple changes around the home so they can stay warm during the heating season and cool during the warmer months, while reducing energy usage.
One way Focus on Energy helps consumers reduce their energy use is by providing home energy audits. Energy audits are important because they help consumers identify ways to make their homes more efficient. Homeowners who implement the suggested changes not only experience lower utility bills and reduced energy demand, but have a more comfortable home. Customers may also be eligible for cash rebates if they implement recommendations from the audit.
For more information about Wisconsin’s Focus on Energy programs,
please call 1-800-762-7077 or visit
Financial Assistance Programs
Energy Assistance
The Wisconsin
Department of Administration’s Division of Energy Services Energy, Housing and Community Resources provides services to qualified residential households with energy assistance and weatherization needs.
For more information about applying for energy, utility, or emergency rental assistance, call the Statewide Customer Care Center at 1-800-506-5596 or visit
Water Assistance
Customers having difficulty paying their water bills may be eligible for assistance from the Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Energy, Housing, and Community Resources, which provides water assistance to eligible homeowners and tenant customers.
For more information about applying for water assistance, call the Statewide Customer Care Center at 1-800-506-5596.
Contact your Utility for Payment Agreements
Consumers who are having trouble paying their energy bills and would like to schedule a payment agreement should call their local utility directly. Here are the numbers for the largest utilities in Wisconsin.
- Alliant Energy, 800-255-4268
- Madison Gas & Electric, 800-245-1125
- Superior Water, Light & Power Company, 800-227-7957
- We Energies, 800-842-4565
- Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 800-450-7260
- Xcel Energy, 800-895-4999
Budget Bill-Pay
Consumers can also work with their utility for placement on a budget bill-pay program. This allows the customer to manage high winter gas bills or high summer electric bills by paying a set amount each month during the year.
PSC Consumer Affairs
There are programs available in Wisconsin to help households pay for and obtain access to utility services. PSC Consumer Affairs staff is also available to discuss the resources and utility programs available to assist customers in establishing a payment arrangement with their utility.
Related Pages - Energy Burden Action Study
In 2024, the PSC hired a contractor (VEIC) to examine different sources of data that can provide information on measuring the energy burden or energy affordability for utility customers. The documents produced as part of that study are available at the links below.
Reference Center: Energy Burden Metrics Report
Reference Center: Energy Burden Action Plan
For More Information
Contact your utility or call the PSC at 608-266-2001 or 1-800-225-7729.