Ixonia and Bluff Creek LNG Project

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Final Decision Issued

On December 21, 2021​​ the Commission issued a final decision for this project. At the time of final decision the anticipated start date of construction was January 2022 with completion by November 2023.

Quarterly construction updates and post decision correspondence between the Commission and the Applicant can be found in the corresponding docket reports.

Docket Reports: 5-CG-106

Towns of Ixonia and LaGrange, Jefferson and Walworth Counties, WI

Docket ID: 5-CG-106

Application of Wisconsin Electric Power Company and Wisconsin Gas LLC for a Certificate of Authority under Wis. Stat. § 196.49 and Wis. Admin. Code § PSC 133.03 to Construct a System of New Liquefied Natural Gas Facilities and Associated Natural Gas Pipelines near Ixonia and Bluff Creek, Wisconsin.

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Application Summary


On June 2, 2020, Wisconsin Electric Power Company-Gas Operations (“WE-GO”) and Wisconsin Gas LLC (“WG”) (together, “Applicants”) submitted an application for a Certificate of Authority (CA) under Wis. Stat. § 196.49 and Wis. Admin. Code § PSC 133.03 to install and place in service two new Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) peaking facilities in southeastern Wisconsin near the towns of Ixonia and LaGrange.

Applicant stated need

The Applicants stated purpose for the project is to increase reliability and provide additional natural gas supply and capacity to meet the “peak” demand needs in southeast Wisconsin. The Applicants' further state that the project is needed to meet increasing demand for incremental firm deliverability, capacity and supply of natural gas, primarily for customers located in service territories within southeast Wisconsin (WG’s – southeast WI [greater Milwaukee service area]; WE’s – southeast WI [Lakeshore service area]).

Estimated cost

The Applicants estimate that the cost of the proposed project at Ixonia would be $185,000,000, likewise the anticipated cost of the proposed project at Bluff Creek is also $185,000,000.

Project location

The Bluff Creek LNG Facility would be in Walworth County in the Town of LaGrange. The plant would be located approximately 4.5 miles southeast of the City of Whitewater, Wisconsin, and approximately 5.6 miles northwest of the City of Elkhorn, Wisconsin. The Ixonia LNG Facility would be in Jefferson County in the Town of Ixonia. The plant would be located approximately 5.7 miles southeast of the City of Watertown, Wisconsin, and approximately 3.3 miles northwest of the City of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.

Proposed schedule

The application was submitted to the Commission on June 1, 2020. The Applicants have stated that construction for both sites is estimated to begin in late 2020. The anticipated in-service date for both sites would be in late 2023.

Statutory Review

The proposed LNG facilities are a Type 2 action under Wis. Admin. Code § PSC 4.10(2). An environmental assessment will be prepared to determine whether an environmental impact statement is necessary under Wis. Stats. § 1.11.

Key Application Documents

Case Contacts and Additional Information

Access Docket​ 5-CG-106 in the PSC Case Management System to view additional information.

Utilize the Staff Involved tab for contact details for PSC staff assigned to the docket, including the case coordinator and the environmental review coordinator.

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Access Docket 5-CG-106

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