Boot Lake to Chain O Lakes

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Final Decision Issued

On March 13, 2024 the Commission issued a final decision for this project. At the time of the final decision construction was anticipated to begin in the third quarter of 2025, with completion by the third quarter of 2026. Relocation of the 3-phase distribution line and removal of the existing poles will be completed concurrently with installation of the new transmission line. The existing substations will be removed after the new transmission line and new substations are in service.

Quarterly construction updates and post decision correspondence between the Commission and the Applicant can be found in the corresponding docket reports.

Docket Reports: 4220-CE-186

Vilas County

Docket ID: 4220-CE-186

Application of Northern States Power Company-Wisconsin for a Certificate of Authority to Construct the Boot Lake to
Chain O Lakes 34.5 kV Transmission Line and Substation Project in Vilas County, Wisconsin.

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Application Summary


Northern States Power Company – Wisconsin, doing business as Xcel Energy, is proposing to construct a 34.5 kilovolt (kV) transmission line and two new 69 kV capable substations that would be connected by the new transmission line. The project transmission line would be approximately 15.1 miles long, and approximately 2.3 acres would be developed to host the proposed project substations. Multiple segments of existing non-contiguous transmission line along the proposed route would be removed and rebuilt in an underbuild design on the new transmission poles. Two existing 34.5 kV substations, the Rest Lake and Presque Isle substations, would be removed by the project.

Applicant stated need

The project is needed to resolve reliability limitations and operational issues. The reliability concerns are created by two factors: 
(1) two radial transmission systems serving the area only deliver electricity in one direction, disallowing transfer of power to prevent outages, (2) the Presque Isle and Rest Lake substations are at the end of their usable life, have no land rights and could not easily accept a new transmission line. The proposed continuous transmission line would enable the system to transfer power from either direction, which would help to prevent outages.

Estimated cost

Xcel Energy has estimated that the project would cost approximately $32.6 million at the time of application.

Project location

The Towns of Manitowish Waters, Winchester, and Presque Isle in Vilas County.

Proposed schedule

  • The application was submitted to the Commission on May 23, 2023.
  • The proposed construction for this project is anticipated to begin in the third quarter of 2025; anticipated to be in-service in the third quarter of 2026.

Key Application Documents

Case Contacts and Additional Information

Access Docket 4220-CE-186 in the PSC Case Management System to view additional information.

Utilize the Staff Involved tab for contact details for PSC staff assigned to the docket, including the case coordinator and the environmental review coordinator.

Click the Documents tab for a complete list of docket documents categorized by document type.

Access Docket 4220-CE-186

Additional Resources

Xcel (Applicant) Project Page

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